Conditions of use

The subject of this site is the streets and roads of Mosman and any matter, person, event or site relating to this topic. The site is managed by Mosman Library, which is a service of Mosman Council.


This site is moderated by Mosman Library. Stories, photographs and comments are posted, edited or removed at Mosman Council’s discretion.

All stories and comments must be the original work of the contributor. All photographs must be the original work of the contributor or uploaded with the permission of the creator.

Please note that:

  • text submitted to the site may be edited in order to ensure clarity;
  • images submitted to the site may be cropped or digitally enhanced;
  • Mosman Council is not obliged to publish any text or photos submitted to the site;
  • Mosman Council may reject material on the grounds of copyright infringement, defamation, offensiveness or other legal considerations;
  • Mosman Council cannot accept submissions of a commercial nature.

It is understood that the contributor holds the copyright to their material but Mosman Council has the right to permanently:

  • hold this material in its collection and/or to display the material online;
  • allow this material to be used for the purposes of education, information, entertainment and general interest;
  • use this material for exhibitions, broadcasts, presentations, in publications and online including successor technologies.

If a third party wishes to use this material permission must be obtained from Mosman Council and it is agreed that the original intention of the material is not to be modified or altered and that the material will not be commercially exploited. Where a contribution is licensed with Creative Commons, the copyright holder grants use of the work under the conditions of that licence.

These terms and conditions are subject to change and Mosman Council reserves the right to alter these at any time.

Comments – Moderation Policy

To ensure the conversation remains appropriate, intelligent and lawful, comments on this site are moderated by Mosman Library’s web team.

We will edit or remove a comment that:

  • is off-topic
  • is defamatory, abusive, harassing or hateful
  • includes any abusive, obscene, indecent or offensive language
  • endorses commercial products or activities or solicits business
  • violates copyrights or other forms of licences and consents
  • invades anyone’s privacy, reveals the identity of another user or impersonates anyone
  • encourages conduct that may or would constitute a criminal offence or give rise to civil liability, or that otherwise violates any local, state, national or international law or regulation anywhere in the world.

Comments are not published until they have been moderated. Email addresses are required but are not displayed on the public site. They are visible however to the contributor of the story or photo and to moderators.

Privacy Statement

When you browse this site, the system automatically logs for statistical purposes your IP address, directories and files accessed and other basic information that is made available by your browser.

Your user identity or email address is not recorded unless you choose to send us a message or register as a contributor.

Your personal details are being collected and will be used only for the purpose of the Mosman Memories of Your Street project.

The supply of information by you is voluntary. If you cannot provide or do not wish to provide the information sought, Council officers may not be able to include your contribution.

Mosman Council is to be regarded as the agency that holds the information. You may make application for access or amendment to information held by Council. You may also request Council to suppress your personal information from a public register.

The information collected as a result of this project will be accessible to the public, with the exception of contact details.

It is permissible to use an alias or pseudonym for your contribution, but Council must have your proper name.


Mosman Council does not verify the accuracy of these stories. The opinions expressed in these stories are those of the contributor.

Likewise, the views expressed in public comments on these stories are those of the commenter only.