59 Cowles Road, c. 1950
I grew up in this home, where I lived with my parents and grandmother from about 4-21 (when I left home, and Mosman). On my return to Mosman 10 years ago I have observed many changes over the 40 years. Then Cowles Road was an ordinary middle-class area of Federation-style houses, handy to the tram stop at the top of the street, and Spit Junction. I remember the time Mosman Council planted trees in the street, in order to beautify the street.
I would walk to Mosman Infants and Primary Schools with friends. There were no cars much then. Without refrigeration (the ice man came to the house initially) my mother would have to go to the local shop at the corner of Belmont Road almost every day.
The were the remains in the backyard of an old chook shed, and a wood storage area (for the copper) and a vegetable garden. My father build an orchid house, and much to my disappointment built a garage in front of the house (altering forever the Federation beauty of the front).
The back WC was usable, but the inside bathroom was improved, and the wooden copper in the laundry was replaced.
The front of the house, named “Urana”, is unchanged, but the inside has had extensive extensions at the back, and the wisteria-covered back porch has disappeared.
Hi Douglas, a previous occupant of “Urana” –
Lt. Bruce Harding McLachlan, wounded at Gallipoli.
Hello, We just purchased 61 Cowles Road and are looking to find out about the history of the house including when it was built and any stories of people who lived there over the years and if possible photos would be brilliant.
We are so grateful that the federation charm of the interior and exterior has not been lost over the years. The original WC at the back of the house is still there as a tribute to its early days.
I would be grateful for any information that comes our way.
Kind regards,
I remember “Urana” walked past it every day when sent out to buy supplies. Had a friend Graeme Groats who lived 4 or 5 doors up from the corner of Cowles and Ourimbah Rd. My family lived at #51 Ourimbah Rd. I can remember many an accident on that corner as it was on the top of the rise and protruded midway into Ourimbah Rd. My father ( Doug McCracken ) and another guy named Bill Turk rescued the driver of a VW kombi van which rolled and caught fire on that intersection. I lived in Mosman from 1948 to 1965, Aged 2 to 19. I have always held those years as the best time of my life.
Regards Rod McCracken.
— Rod McCracken · 1 November 2014, 09:05 · #